Premier Doug Ford didn't hold back as he reacted to the recent shooting at an all-girls Jewish school in Toronto telling anyone, including immigrants involved in violent extremism that may be thinking of coming to Canada, “You're bringing your problems from everywhere else in the world, you're bringing them to Ontario, and you're going after other Canadians? Unacceptable. I've got an idea, before you plan on moving to Canada, don't come to Canada if you're going to start terrorizing neighbourhoods like this. Simple as that.”
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CCFR Radio EP 167: Limits on Tannerite, Defamed by Lawyer, No Money for ATIPs (Latest Episode)For the latest information on what's been happening at the CCFR, check out our most recent Podcast with host Rod Giltaca. In this episode: Edmonton Police spread misinformation during press conference. New regulations for magazines and binary explosives (Tannerite). Liberals say “no money for accountability” probably. Link to CCFR online auction for AGM, CCFR defamed by a lawyer?? Audio-only Link: You can also listen to and watch the CCFR Radio Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and other popular podcast apps. |
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Don't Forget: National Range Day is TOMORROW!National Range Day (June 1st) is a day created to recognize the 2.3 million licensed gun owners who responsibly, legally, and safely own and use firearms in Canada Find an event near you 👉 |
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An Amazing Time at CCFR AGM 2024"We had a great time at CCFR AGM 2024 with special guests Minister of Justice Mickey Amery and Canadian hunting legend Jim Shockey! We laughed and talked and ate an incredible meal and raised a bunch of funds for the CCFR!" - Tracey Wilson |
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class="l-article__title">CALL TO ACTION: Saskatchewan Speaker and NDP Working to Cancel Hunter Jeremy Harrison (MLA)It's been a couple weeks since the 27th Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, Randy Weekes, suddenly cut up his Saskatchewan Party membership card and tried to ‘burn his party to the ground,’ in his final minutes as Speaker. Weekes made several shocking allegations against members of his own party, but especially against MLA Jeremy Harrison, a hunter who has played a pivotal role for firearms owners in Saskatchewan. Unhinged Accusations In general, Weekes alleged as Speaker, he frequently received ‘intimidating and harassing text messages’ and ‘threatening gestures.’ He complained that at a party function someone ‘came very close to head butting me.’ He also said he heard frequently that the government caucus was discussing his removal as Speaker. Of all the allegations though, Jeremy Harrison definitely got the worst of it. Though Weekes provided no evidence to corroborate any of his bizarre claims, during his final unhinged rant, he alleged everything from Harrison flashing an invisible gun in his waistband, to Harrison shouting "Open Carry! Open Carry Next!" after passing the motion to devolve all relevant parts of the Saskatchewan Firearms Act to the province. Weekes even went as far to say he was worried that Harrison might carry a handgun in the Assembly. The accusations were ‘strange’ to say the least, and more commonly heard on a middle school playground, least of which, a Legislative Assembly. Though Harrison denied the many 'strange' accusations made by Weekes, one accusation Weekes made was actually true, he admitted. The 'True' Incident Weekes cited an incident in which Harrison brought a long gun into the Legislative building... He failed to mention, however, the incident happened almost 10 years ago. He also failed to mention that Harrisons long gun was properly locked, secured, and security was ‘aware that he entered the building with a properly cased gun.’ This was confirmed today in a leaked email. Firearms Safety Harrison has since apologized numerous times for the incident and though he acknowledges he made a mistake, he had a good reason for bringing it with him on his person, rather than leaving it in a less secure location, in his truck. As a licensed firearms owner and hunter, the decision was simply about obeying one of the tenants of firearm safety: Keeping ones firearm safe and secure at all times in accordance with the law. Ironically, the leaked email also confirms that the then-acting sergeant-at-arms understood and acknowledged the obvious reason Harrison might not have wanted to leave his firearm in his vehicle saying, “In fairness to Mr. Harrison, he probably did not think the firearm would be safe in his pickup, which has its own legal issues, however, I (think) that this was handled poorly by Mr. Harrison... I am also aware that he is going Coyote hunting with the Speaker today.” Fighting Back Against Cancel Culture Though Harrison didn't legally do anything wrong, and though he's publicly apologized for a single lapse in judgement a decade ago, he's been under relentless pressure by the NDP, liberal media, and has already been forced to resign from his position as House Leader. The Saskatchewan NDP, and anti-gun advocates like MLA Meara Conway won't stop. They want him cancelled. - CCFR Staff Join us by sending an email of support for Jeremy Harrison now, and tell the NDP to leave him alone and get back to work for firearms owners. Premier Scott Moe's office: [email protected] NDP Caucus: [email protected] |
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id="articleTitle" class="article-title">Canada Post Wants No Part of Trudeau Liberals' Gun Grab: CEOOTTAWA — The head of Canada Post says the Crown agency wants nothing to do with the Trudeau government’s gun grab, despite efforts by Ottawa to enlist the postal service in the “buy back” plan. Testifying before the House operations committee on Wednesday, Canada Post CEO Doug Ettinger said the Crown corporation had serious concerns over its involvement with the program, which would see firearms owners turn in their now-outlawed firearms to Canada Post locations. “It’s my clear responsibility to keep our employees safe — and the public safe, because post offices are public locations,” Ettinger said during Wednesday evening’s committee meeting. “We did an internal safety assessment, and we are not comfortable with the process that was being proposed in ongoing discussions over the past few months. Our position is that with the the elevated risk, we’re just not comfortable with it.” Nicolas Johnson, a firearms policy analyst and editor of The Gun Blog, told National Post that Canada Post’s refusal to take part in the confiscation backs up that assertion. “They promised these confiscations without any idea of how to execute them, and with every passing day and every passing measure, we see them absolutely scrambling to get this thing done,” he said. The safety concerns brought up by Ettinger, Johnson said, are valid. “One is the risk of theft, that these things get into the wild — possibly from crooked employees or bandits waiting for people to show up at the post office,” he said. Making Canada Post the public-facing representative of a highly contentious government program would also put their employees at risk, Johnson said. “This is a forced confiscation, so there’s also a risk of angry people coming into the post office and taking it out on what they view as an easily identifiable agent of the federal government,” he said. |
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class="headline">Poilievre Asked About May 2020 Gun Ban, Confirms He Will 'Reverse Everything Trudeau Has Done'Today, CCFR Member and Field Officer Stacey C. asked Pierre Poilievre what he intends to do concerning the May 2020 gun ban, and how Conservatives will change the narrative that Liberals have successfully used against gun owners. "As a licensed firearms owner, I was subjected to the OIC in May 2020. I'm probably out, right now, probably $15,000 - $20,000 in firearms that are locked up in my safe. We all know that criminals are getting their guns illegally. How do Conservatives change that narrative?" Poilievre began his response by saying, "We just reverse everything Trudeau has done..." Former police officer and CPC candidate for Oakville East, Ron Chhinzer, added "I've personally seized hundreds of guns, countless kilograms of controlled drugs and substances. Not once in my entire career, nor myself or any of my police officer partners, have we ever seized a lawfully owned firearm from a criminal. Not a single time in six years..." |
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class="style-scope ytd-watch-metadata">You Won't Believe What Liberals Have Done NowThe Liberals make zero sense, and you'll see why when you hear the latest changes to magazine regulations included in the dumpster fire that is Bill C-21. Rod and Tracey cover everything you need to know, including what a joke this government has become. |
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id="articleTitle" class="article-title">Parks Canada To Spend $12M On B.C. Deer Cull, While Canadian Hunters Say They'd Do It For FreeOTTAWA — Employing foreign sharpshooters in helicopters to cull deer inhabiting a small coastal B.C. island could cost taxpayers over $12 million, suggest newly released government documents. According to figures unearthed by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation via an access-to-information act, Parks Canada has earmarked $12 million to fund a multi-phase “Fur to Forest” program, which employs non-Canadian helicopter-mounted sharpshooters to eradicate an invasive herd of European fallow deer from Sidney Island — a nine-square-kilometre tract of land off the coast of Vancouver Island. That’s nearly double the $6 million the program was initially forecast to cost. According to cost breakdowns provided in the documents, deer eradication amounted to a little more than $4 million of the $12 million total, including $137,407 to facilitate “firearms registration for international workers,” as the hunters brought in to cull the deer were from the United States and New Zealand — plus $35,000 for their work permits. The eradication costs also include $67,680 for helicopters, and $329,760 for the scent-tracking dogs earmarked for phase two of the cull, expected to begin this fall. A total of $800,000 was set aside to facilitate Indigenous participation in the program, which includes payments to three area First Nations, as well as $108,800 for meat harvesting, and $15,250 each for cultural and spiritual workers to train crews. Other costs include $2.3 million for salaries for Parks Canada staff, $1.4 million for analysis and studies and $3.3 million in miscellaneous costs. Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights president Scott Carpenter, a B.C.-based hunter and owner of International Shooting Supplies in Surrey, told the National Post there are dozens of different ways the federal government could have conducted the cull, and saved millions of dollars. “It’s an epic failure — it’s like the micro-to-the-macro of the ArriveCan debacle,” he said. “It’s spending millions of dollars on something that should have only cost a few thousand at worst. At this end, it should have been a money-maker for either the provincial or federal government.” Rather than bringing in foreign sharpshooters, Carpenter said, the government could have used the cull as a means to generate local income for Canadian hunters. “It’s a real slap in the face to Canadian hunters, and there’s millions of us in this country who would’ve been more than happy to spend our own money to go in there and harvest some of the meat ourselves,” he said. “To turn around and invite foreigners into the country because they felt we were incapable of doing it ourselves, it’s insulting to say the least.” He also criticized the use of helicopters in the hunt, saying it definitely contributed to the high numbers of local deer killed. “A controlled hunt on the ground over a period of a few months would have eliminated that problem,” he said. “On the ground, there’s no problem distinguishing the difference between native and non-native species.” |
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class="detailHeadline" lang="en">The Gun 'Buyback' DebacleConservative MP for Brantford—Brant Larry Brock asked the Minister of Justice Arif Virani multiple questions, multiple times, regarding the governments gun confiscation program. He never received an answer. Mr. Brock posted the viral clip saying the following, "Minister of Justice can't say how much the buyback program costs taxpayers or how many guns have been collected. Since 2015, violent gun crimes has gone up 101%. The life of violent criminals in Canada is a breeze under Trudeau." |
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id="articleTitle" class="article-title">Firearms Buyback Now To Be Done Through Mail, But New Brunswick Still CriticalNew regulations introduced by Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc will allow shipping companies like Canada Post and FedEx to transport banned firearms for disposal as part of an 'assault weapon buyback' program. The move provides another way for banned guns to be destroyed other than by turning them over to police. It’s a move that appears to address complaints from Premier Blaine Higgs and other provinces that have pushed back against utilizing limited RCMP resources to collect firearms amid rising crime levels. But Higgs’ government is still critical. “The federal government using Canada Post only deflects the fact that this is a bad policy that does nothing to curb illegal guns,” Public Safety Minister Kris Austin said in a statement. “I would prefer to see the federal minister of Public Safety focus on the illegal flow of firearms from our southern border and ensuring our ports are more secure.” “The reality remains that law abiding citizens like hunters and sportsmen are being penalized as we know that criminals will not follow any policy in relation to turning in restricted firearms.” |
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class="l-article__title">Rod Shares His Thoughts About a Recent Police PresserJoe, a former Canadian Armed Forces serviceman, contacted Rod about an email he sent to an Edmonton city police officer. In the email, Joe stated that he had heard the EPS officer make factually untrue statements during a press conference regarding the source of Canada's crime guns. Rod gives his thoughts on the situation, and shows an important clip from our Gun Ban Canada Exposed series. |
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class="title details-title">GUN BAN FAIL: Repeat Offenders Under Gun Ban Orders Arrested with Nearly 100 Illegal FirearmsThe Ontario Provincial Police seized almost 100 firearms and drugs after a search warrant was executed. The East Region Community Street Crime Unit, Lennox and Addington County and Quinte West Detachment of the OPP searched and found drugs, ammunition and firearms on May 27. In Tyendinaga Township, Ont., east of Belleville, on Thrasher Road police seized “a large quantity” of drugs including nearly 200 grams of suspected cocaine, more than one kilogram of suspected methamphetamine, almost 2,000 grams of suspected MDMA and possible heroin, psilocybin and pills. Officials found handguns and long guns that were loaded and found to be stolen, the OPP said in a press release. Ammunition, Canadian currency and paraphernalia consistent with drug trafficking and other stolen property were also recovered. As a result of the investigation, Joshua Boldrick, 27, Matthew Boldrick, 30, Terry Boldrick, 58, and Sharon Boldrick, 58, were arrested and charged. The four suspects from Tygendinaga are charged with over 500 offences including:
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id="articleTitle" class="article-title">GUN BAN FAIL: Cops Investigating Gunshot at Jewish Girls School in North YorkToronto Police have begun an investigation after a Jewish elementary school in North York was struck by a bullet early Saturday morning. Police were called at 9 a.m. to Bais Chaya Mushka School for Girls, in the Dufferin St. and Finch Ave. W. area, after a bullet hole was found in a window. Insp. Paul Krawczyk, of the Guns and Gangs Task Force, spoke Saturday afternoon outside the school and said it is too early in the investigation to call this incident a hate crime. “Police found what they believe was evidence of a firearm discharge at the school and confirmed a firearm discharge did occur,” Krawczyk said. “At 4:50 a.m., the suspects arrived at the school in a dark-coloured vehicle and exited the vehicle and opened fire causing damage to the front of the school.” Krawczyk added there were no injuries reported. In recent months, there have been protests and demonstrations demanding an end to Israel’s war in Gaza that have targeted Jewish neighbourhoods in the city. “I completely understand this can cause concern, fear and anxiety in the community, especially when it happens at a school like this,” Krawczyk said. |
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id="articleTitle" class="article-title">GUN BAN FAIL: Akwesasne Man Faces 126 Charges For Alleged Gun Smuggling Through Mohawk TerritoryAn Akwesasne man faces 126 criminal charges for allegedly smuggling dozens of firearms, magazines and ammunition into Canada through Mohawk territory in Eastern Ontario. Ontario Provincial Police say the arrest made last week in Cornwall was the result of a joint forces investigation into gun trafficking from the United States that involved the Border Enforcement Security Task Force (BEST), Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit (PWEU), Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service. “Illegal firearms continue to pose a serious risk to public safety,” OPP Det.-Insp. Lee Fulford, of the Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau, said Wednesday. “These firearms are consistently found to be used by organized crime groups to commit violent crimes such as robberies, carjackings, extortion and homicides.” The OPP says the investigative team conducted a vehicle stop on May 22 in Cornwall – near the Mohawk territory of Akwesasne, which uniquely straddles the borders of New York state, Ontario and Quebec – under the Customs Act, and a search was initiated. Investigators say they located three suitcases contained 26 illegal handguns and two illegal assault-style rifles. They also allegedly seized 37 boxes of ammunition, 20 prohibited overcapacity magazines, 74 magazines, one Glock upper receiver, and a cellphone. “It is imperative that joint forces investigations such as this one continue and that law enforcement in Canada work collaboratively with our U.S. policing partners to curb the flow of illegal firearms across our borders,” Fulford said. Steven Johnson, 38, is charged with 28 counts of possession for the purpose of weapons trafficking, 28 counts of weapons trafficking, 28 counts of possession of a firearm knowing its possession is unauthorized, 28 counts of unauthorized possession of a firearm, five counts of possession of prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition, four counts of contravention of transportation regulations, one count of unauthorized possession of a weapon, and four counts of unauthorized possession in a motor vehicle. |
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class="l-article__title">GUN BAN FAIL: Another Canadian Jewish School Targeted, Hit by Gunfire, in MontrealAnother Canadian Jewish school has been targeted by gunfire, this time in Montreal. The Jewish Community Council of Montreal said Wednesday that the Belz school at the Young Israel of Montreal synagogue was attacked with gunshots overnight. It follows a shooting early Saturday when two men opened fire on a Jewish girls school in suburban Toronto, part of an outburst of antisemitic violence in Canada to draw condemnation from political and Jewish leaders. “We have had enough. Yet another Jewish school was shot at in the middle of the night – in Canada,” Yair Szlak, the president and CEO of Federation CJA, and Eta Yudin, the Quebec vice-president for the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), said in a joint statement Wednesday. “Thankfully no one was inside the building, but this violent hatred must no longer be tolerated. Decisive action must be taken by Mayor Plante and leadership at the municipal level to finally put an end to the atmosphere of permissiveness towards antisemitism that is now rampant in our city.” Both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre condemned the antisemitic violence late Wednesday. “Disgusted that another Jewish school has been the target of a shooting. Relieved that no one was hurt, but I’m thinking of the parents and community members in Montreal who must be incredibly shaken. This is antisemitism, plain and simple — and we will not let it win,” said Trudeau. “The second shooting at a Jewish school in a week. We are witnessing a terrifying escalation of antisemitism in this country. The Trudeau government must step up and finally do something to protect Jewish people in Canada against this violence,” said Poilievre. The Liberal MP for Outremont, Rachel Bendayan, noted it was the third shooting at a Jewish school in Outremont. Government Failing to Provide Public Safety The Jewish Community Council of Montreal said in a statement, “We have repeatedly called for changes to The Security Infrastructure Program (ESIP) so that vulnerable schools and institutions that cannot afford to implement security measures are able to access it.” “If the Canadian government had done as we asked, the school may not have been attacked. The Quebec government and the City of Montreal are letting us down as well. There is no excuse for not having an increased police present in our community.” Last fall, Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs, announced a temporary investment of $10 million for the Expanded Security Infrastructure Program (ESIP), a temporary measure to help Canadian communities at risk of hate-motivated crimes, protect and strengthen the security of their community centres, places of worship and other institutions. Applications for funding were turned away after the deadline, on February 18, 2024. |
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class="article-title">VIRAL: Ford Reacts to Jewish School Shooting |
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class="articleHeadline">GUN BAN FAIL: Videos Show Gunman Firing Shots Out The Sunroof of Moving Vehicle in HamiltonHamilton police have released videos of a person firing shots from the sunroof of a moving vehicle in the city’s McQuesten West neighbourhood earlier this week. The clips were posted on Wednesday as police appealed for information about the incident that occurred on Sunday evening at 2 Oriole Crescent. Police said a vehicle arrived just after 10 p.m., and someone fired multiple rounds at nearby cars and homes. In one video, an SUV with a person standing through a sunroof drives by a parking lot and goes out of the camera’s view before the sound of multiple gunshots are heard. A second video shows the same vehicle and shooter firing shots towards the front yards of some houses. In the third clip, the same vehicle arrives at 2 Oriole Crescent while someone is firing a gun out the sunroof. |
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class="title details-title">Gun Owner Reaches Out to Premier Moe About MLA Jeremy Harrison: 'Don't Be Bullied.'Greetings Premier Scott Moe, I’ve recently seen the “kafuffle” regarding Mr. Harrison bringing his rifle to work. IMO The “outrage” by the NDP over this issue is fake, childish and unwarranted. You may not be aware of this, but Justin Trudeau himself had his own firearms stolen while left unattended. Mr. Harrison’s decision to take a precautionary step shows foresight and responsibility, not danger or impaired judgement. Hunting and legal transport of firearms is a common practice across and Mr. Harrison checked his firearm with security. I have attached the article outlining Trudeau’s “tale” of his own firearms going missing. It is imperative Jeremy stop apologizing and we all have his back, especially yourself. Owning a firearm is not something to be embarrassed of nor does it pose a risk in the hands of a licensed, vetted PAL holder. Apologizing sends the false notion to Canadians that firearms ownership is something to be ashamed of. The solution here is to hold the line. Turn the spotlight back on the NDP for pushing fake hysteria 10 years later. Point out their attacks on licensed gun owners and foolish, soft on crime sympathies for hardened criminals has led to unchecked gun violence across and tragedy across the nation. In short, don't don’t be bullied. Millions of Canadian hunters and sport shooters have your back and the real danger to Saskatchewan is an NDP government. Note: A link to the HillTimes article that Trudeau is quoted saying his firearms were stolen, is also available at |
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style="text-align: center;">BRAND NEW 'NOT FOR SALE' CHALLENGE COINS |
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style="text-align: center;">Firearm Legal Defence InsuranceAvailable to all CCFR Members at a discounted rate! |
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Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights · PO Box 91572, RPO Mer Bleu, Ottawa, ON K1W 0A6, Canada |