A Toronto woman who was carjacked along with her husband over the weekend is calling for more action to be taken on the issue, saying it is “not being taken serious enough.”
Mandy, who doesn’t want her full name used because the individuals who stole her car now have her vehicle registration and insurance documents, said she was carjacked Saturday night by a group of young people — an incident that was partly captured on video.
“I’m not happy with the way things are going. I’m not happy with the way this country is being run,” Mandy told Global News in an interview on Monday.
“I think we are getting victimized here.”
Returning from a gala, Mandy and her husband were dropping someone off — an elderly woman — in the Yonge Street and Sheppard Avenue area.
“It’s a fairly busy area, so we didn’t think anything of it when there was another car behind us,” she said.
Mandy said as her husband got out of the car — a 2024 Rolls Royce — to open the door for their passenger in the back, four males swarmed him and asked him for the key to the vehicle.
“They were so young, he thought that (it was) just a joke,” she said. He refused to give them the key.
At the same time, a male popped his head in the driver’s side of the vehicle and asked Mandy, who was still inside, for the key, she said.
Mandy also didn’t take it seriously at first, thinking it was a prank.
Another suspect approached her, she said, and demanded the key, but she said she didn’t have it.
The suspects also demanded that Mandy and her husband hand over their watches, but they refused, she said.
One of the suspects also brandished a gun, Mandy said, but she still didn’t think the incident was as serious as it actually was.
“He goes, ‘Give me your ring.’ I said, ‘I’m not giving you my ring. Get out of my car with your phony, fake gun,'” Mandy recalled.
But the suspect insisted the gun was real and proceeded to show her the bullets, she said.
“At that point I realized, well, maybe this is more serious than I thought,” she said.