Week in Review - 09 Jun 2023 Archive

The CCFR Week in Review

CCFR Radio – Ep 144: UCP Wins Alta, Liberal MP Suffers Online Attack from CCFR, Libs Hate Hunters (latest episode)

For the latest information on what's been happening at the CCFR, check out our most recent Podcast with host Rod Giltaca.

In this episode: The UCP forms majority government in Alberta, great news for gun owners. Poly spits on hunters…again. Liberal MP tells all after vicious CCFR online attack, Wilson held to account. C-21 update. All that and more this week!

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Audio-only Link: https://podcast.ccfr.ca/episodes/episode-144/

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All members are able to attend the business meeting on Sunday morning (June 11th) free of charge. Proof of membership will be required at the door.

Ticket sales are now closed.

C-21 was back on the agenda in the Senate yesterday as Senator Marty Klyne (Saskatchewan) stood to give a statement on the Liberals legal gun ban legislation.

Mr. Klyne touched on topics supported by all parties, such as regulating the manufacturing/possession of 'ghost guns,' providing resources to secure the Canadian border, and properly consulting with indigenous communities.

He also suggested the federal government properly aim their legislation at the primary sources of crime guns in Canada, specifically organized crime, gun smugglers, and gangs... not law abiding Canadians.

Senator Don Plett asked Mr. Klyne if he was aware that not a single convicted criminal had received a Mandatory Minimum Penalty (MMP) for gun crimes, adding, "What value is raising a 'maximum' [sentence], when already a maximum isn't even being used [for a gun crime] now?"

Watch everything you missed in our indexed video here

You can find a full list of senators here

'Unmitigated gall': Senator rejects minister's call to pass Liberal guns bill quickly

A battle appears to be brewing between senators and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, as he tries to see the Liberals' controversial gun legislation passed swiftly into law.

On Thursday, his office sent a letter to leaders of the different Senate groups and the chair of a committee, saying the minister is "eager" answer senators' questions about Bill C-21 "given the urgency of passing legislation to protect Canadians."

The letter comes with less than a month left before the House of Commons and Senate plan to break for summer, with the Liberals branding the legislation as a priority bill that it wants passed into law within weeks.

Conservative Senate leader Don Plett accused Mendicino on Thursday of having "unmitigated gall" in asking senators to hurry when MPs spent months studying the bill before it passed in the House of Commons.

"Listen, we agree that one Canadian killed by gun violence is too many," said Plett, referring to a line in Mendicino's letter.

"But that cannot be why the government is taking decisive action to strengthen Canada's gun laws. There's got to be a host of reasons why we want to strengthen Canada's gun laws."

Plett said he plans to vote against the bill as it is currently written and try to block it from passing, saying he feels it punishes firearms users like sport shooters and is doubtful that it could be a bill he finds himself supporting -- even if the Senate amends it.

"Somehow he expects that we are not supposed to give it sober second thought and indeed some kind of a vetting," said Plett.

"He basically says, 'I've looked at the bill, I say it's good, so give it your rubber stamp and let's move on with things.' Well, that's not how the Senate works."

Read more at CTV News here

On Friday June 1st, debate continued on C-21 in the Senate beginning with Senator Hassan Yussuff (Ontario) completing his statement. Sen. Don Plett (Manitoba) pushed back pointing out the federal governments lack of data to backup their claims as well as defending sport shooters who continue to be 'lumped in' with criminal activity.

Sen. Tony Dean (Ontario) brought up the recent shooting in Hamilton where he alleged the perpetrator was a registered firearms owner, while Sen. Andrew Cardozo (Ontario) suggested gun control organizations have complained the legislation didn't go far enough.

Sen. Stan Kutcher (Nova Scotia) makes his statement on the legal gun ban bill and debate is adjourned until the next session.

Watch on YouTube here

Why the Liberals are suddenly talking about ‘ghost guns’ — and why Conservatives say it’s a cynical distraction

in the version of C-21 they hope to pass before summer, the Liberals are promoting an additional showpiece: measures to crack down on the untraceable weapons known as “ghost guns.”

In its latest form, the Liberals and NDP say the bill is a win for public safety and represents the best of efforts to find consensus on a bill that’s been one of the hardest to get through the House of Commons this year.

But the Conservatives are calling out the Liberal pivot to focus on ghost guns — which all parties already agree should be subject to strict penalties — as a cynical ploy to distract voters from the disastrous reception the bill has received thus far, without making any effort to change what they see as its fundamental flaws.

“The Liberal-NDP coalition is eager to rewrite history and pretend ghost guns are their priority, something that was never part of the original bill,” said Conservative MP and public safety critic Raquel Dancho.

“In reality, Justin Trudeau is desperate to change the channel from his disastrous handling of the firearm file and the complete loss of trust from millions of lawful, trained, tested and vetted hunters, farmers and Indigenous Canadian firearms owners.”

“This appears to be a messaging change to sell the bill politically,” said Tim Thurley, a firearms policy specialist.

Mendicino didn’t dispute the notion that the Liberals and NDP were making a point of refocusing discussion of the bill.

While C-21 does enact a freeze on handgun sales and transfers, and bans future makes and models of certain kinds of firearms, those issues provoke highly polarized reactions among the special interest groups that dominate the gun policy debate in Canada.

But will it address the problem?

Thurley said he’s not sure, given the fact most of the guns and parts used in crimes in Canada are believed to come here illegally from the U.S.

“These provisions seem like an afterthought to the substance of C-21 rather than part of a considered, thoughtful strategy to address that problem,” he said.

“In my view, the new provisions are insufficient reason to pass a bad bill into law.”

Read more at Toronto Star here

Male Arrested with Loaded Firearm after Foot Pursuit

Hamilton Police have arrested a 21-year-old male, after a firearm was pointed at a member of the public.  

On Saturday, June 3, 2023, shortly before 7:00p.m. Hamilton Police responded to the area of Centennial Parkway and Neil Avenue for reports of an individual with a firearm. A citizen was walking his dog in the area, when a male exited a residence, began yelling and pointed a firearm at the victim. The citizen called police.

Police immediately set up a perimeter in the area, located the suspect and became involved in a foot pursuit, where the male suspect ran into a commercial business. Police affected the arrest and located a loaded 9mm Smith and Wesson handgun.

The accused, Devan Frank Butler, a 21-year-old man of Hamilton, has been charged with the following offences;

  • Unauthorized Possession of Firearm
  • Knowledge of Unauthorized Possession of Firearm
  • Possession of Prohibited Firearm Loaded
  • Tampering with Serial Number of Firearm
  • Point Firearm
  • Use Firearm in Commission of Offence
  • Careless Use of Firearm
  • Carry Concealed Weapon
  • Possession of Weapon for Dangerous Purpose
  • Utter Threat to Cause Death or Bodily Harm
  • Assault (Weapon)

Since the beginning of the year, Hamilton Police have seized 80 crime guns, this is a 45 % increase year to date from 2022.  

Read more at Hamilton Police Service here



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  • A group for those providing recurring donations (via our website or Patreon) of $20.00 CAD/month or more.
  • Insiders get a 90 minute zoom meeting with one or both Tracey Wilson & Rod Giltaca every month (or so).
  • In each meeting, we will have giveaways in the form of CCFR store credits. People who attend the zoom meetings will be entered into the draws.
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